Custom branded & white labeled data
Our data solutions can be yours…
Focused Future offers branding and white labeling opportunities for our digital suite of data capture solutions including e-QPASS. This enables you to put your brand’s face on the frontend while leveraging our powerful assessment and analysis software on the backend. White labeling is an easy way for your organization to maintain brand continuity and reinforce your credibility with clients and constituents.
Decide how data is used
Exercise privacy and protection
Demand transparency
Data for Analysis
Researchers, Insurers
Calling All Practitioners!
The revolutionary e-QPASS is now available online! e-QPASS facilitates Evidenced Based Treatment Plans.
You’re invited to participate in an exclusive FREE trial offer! Sign-up today.
“The insights we’ve been able to gain from Focused Future on both a micro and macro level have been game changing for our practice. We’re able to accurately diagnose clients in a fraction of the time while tracking valuable practice-wide trends.”
— Therapeutic Practitioner, Private Practice